gosford glyphs tunnels

This Ray Johnson has stated that "those rock inscriptions were clearly not done by any ancient Egyptians", so he, like other Egyptologists doesn't believe that the glyphs are genuine Egyptian hieroglyphs.[4]. The glyphs are here. Strong who visited the site says "what really surprised us was that not only are the ibis and Thoth synonymous, but originally Thoth was depicted in ape-form. Over the past three decades, many theories have been put up to explain how the extensive engravings came to be, including that they were the work of a group of Sydney University students. That claim is one that Egyptologist who have scholarly experience or education in translating and/or identifying glyphs have disproven several times. Considered a hoax by many, and ultimate evidence of ancient Egyptian trans-oceanic voyages by others, the curious set of symbols has produced mixed views from researchers around the globe. He, the servant of God, said God created the insects to protect his people. The Gosford Glyphs, also known as Kariong Hieroglyphs, are a group of approximately 300 Egyptian-style hieroglyphs located in Kariong, New South Wales, Australia. The princes would have brought skilled scribes to do the carvings, so no matter how old the language being carved was(whether it was proto-Egyptian or Egyptian), the glyphs should be consistent to the style and craftsmanship of a trained scribe. Since the site was first discovered in the 1970's it's been surrounded by controversy and claims, but recent new research is . [22] Remember with love his nobel spirit. [16] Seated all aside, our men watched the funeral, with concern and deep love. Click here to subscribe to Playing in Puddles newsletter and this awesome feature will be emailed straight to you. Why are black swans becoming stranded in the ocean off WA? The glyphs resemble ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and, although most genuine archaeologists have dismissed the idea that they're over 5000 years old and . Reports of these enigmatic glyphs date back to the early 1900s, and there has been much controversy about whether they were placed there as a hoax,or that they were in fact, carved by one or more Egyptians in ancient times. Far fewer know their real story, A middle-aged man in glasses smiles with his arms around two young K-pop stars, one with pink hair The messy family drama behind one of the world's biggest K-pop empires, 'Please confirm what Muslim refers to': Why Ali's birthday payment for his nephew was flagged by his bank, Max Verstappen takes Bahrain F1 pole, Aussie Oscar Piastri ousted in first Q1, Motocross rider dies after falling from bike at Victoria's Wonthaggi Motocross Track, 15 people rescued from Central Victorian mine after fire. Kariong was once believed to mean meeting place in the local Aboriginal language, and that is how it is described by the Geographical Names Board.[2]. Two geoglyphs that are truly unique to North America. In order to prove that these Proto-Egyptian glyphs are not graffiti, as claimed by various "Experts and Egyptologists, but are the written record left by pre-historic man, written in a coherent and understandable language that makes sense even 4,500 years later. [18] We walled in the side entrance to the chamber, with stones from all around. Referred to as the GOSFORD GLYPHS, the intricate set of symbols is believed to have been carved some 5,000 years ago by ancient Egyptians who visited Australia. Loading Preview. [6] Geologists have stated that the sandstone in which the hieroglyphs are carved erodes quickly and nearby 250-year-old Aborigine petroglyphs (Bulgandry Aboriginal Art Site) show considerably more erosion. On this large platform, Strong and his team saw a fish, serpent, massive dolphin or whale, circles and a variety of shapes and symbols. [citation needed]. 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Not only are the Gosford 'Glyphs legitimate, the scribes accurately used several ancient hieroglyphs and 'grammatical' variations which, crucially, were not even documented in Egyptian hieroglyphic texts until 2012, immediately disproving all long-standing 'hoax' theories. Location: The starting point is at the top of Bambara Road, Kariong. But Professor Ockinga, who first saw the inscriptions 20 years ago, says there are many reasons why they are not accepted as genuine hieroglyphics. For other ideas about what to see in New South Wales, please read some of our other stories. A statue found at Gympie, said to act as one of five sentries guarding the controversial seven-stepped pyramid at Gympie, is a depiction of Thoth in his more primal ape-like form and has been argued over and often ridiculed. When Original Elder Aunty Minnie Mace was standing on-site with Egyptologist Ray Johnson, she found a piece of engraved metal jewellery. The village of about fifteen families, mostly workers at the training school, was first called Kendall Heights, then Penang Mountain. The Kariong Hieroplyphs or Gosford Glyphs are pseudo-Egyptian Hieorglyphs, first found in 1975, their origin is unknown but they are believed to have been done not long before their discovery. After we announced our journey, we were delighted to receive invitations from Sonya van Gelder and Steve & Evan Strong, to visit the Gosford Glyph site with them to view what many believe to be very ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs carved on 2 very large sandstone rocks in a remote area in the forest. (2021). Oh mighty Khepera, this is not what the Oracle has said. [4] For two seasons (eight months) he directed us eastward. 68 Central Coast Attractions for Families! Your Ultimate Guide to Christmas on the Central Coast. Translated: This is what the 5,000-year-old ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia say, the Smithsonian Institute covered up the discovery of an ancient Egyptian colony in the Grand Canyon, CIA document states Russian soldiers were turned to stone after Alien attack, An Egyptian Pyramid in Australia? [3] From the mid 1990s, the site started to receive more public attention. Remember that there was an article written by the Arizona Gazette that sensationally claimed how the Smithsonian Institute covered up the discovery of an ancient Egyptian colony in the Grand Canyon? The Gosford glyphs origin remain a mystery What are the Kariong Glyphs? Dash returned to the site a few times and found new additions to the glyphs each time. Since it is unlikely that the Aboriginals sailed the globe in ancient times, the carvings must have been created by an ancient Egyptian civilization. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com -Our journey takes us to Australia, a beautiful country full of ancient mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Two Ibis-men engraved into rock, both in profile with the head of an ibis and body of a human, seem to resonate with the same ancient Egyptian theme. Drink mineral water to get the required calcium, according to a German study. Wiza. The idea that archaeologists, like professor Ockinga, would want to hide the truth about Egyptian visitors to Australia is unfounded and evidently false.[1]. PublicationsONWARD TO THE PAST 28.12.2012. [5] I myself am hardened, have gone around hills and deserts, in wind and rain, with no lakes at hand, blessed by the falling nights, when I hided myself, completely out of reach. These Egyptologists include: Australian Associate Professor Boyo Ockinga from Macquarie University's Ancient History Department[1], who has a Dphil in Egyptology[12]; Australian Egyptologist, Professor Naguib Kanawati[2], who has a Masters degree and Doctorate in Egyptology[13]; and American Ray W. Johnson, an Egyptologist at the University of Chicago[4]. [10] He, who died before, is here laid to rest. And is it really possible that somehow, the ancient Egyptians traveled not only to the American continent but to Australia as well? Separately each of these non-wall artefacts deserve serious consideration, united they demand to be acknowledged. . After a short bushwalk and clambering through rocks youll discover sandstone walls covered in ancient carvings of hieroglyphic symbols. K. (2012, April 21). The NAISDA Dance College, a performing arts training college for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from all over Australia, is based in the Mount Penang Parklands in Kariong. 7. The site includes an engraved Ankh, an essential accompaniment to Thoth, placed alongside an Ibis footprint (Thoth's recent animal counterpart) and the 'River of Life'. A defensive fortification carved into a cliff near Sydney Harbour. However, we have to continue, we cannot look back. Sources that support the idea that the Glyphs are genuine Egyptian hieroglyphs also generally avoid clarifying that the Australian Ray Johnson is not a scholarly or professional Egyptologist, because they do not want to discredit their claims in any way. [3] The Prince was kind and benevolent, follower of the SunGod Ra. "[2], They depict boats, chickens, dogs, owls, stick men, a dog's bone as well as two cartouches that appear to be the names of kings, one of them Khufu (second king of the Fourth Dynasty, 2637-2614 BC), the other uncertain. These engravings numbering over 300 have the potential to re-write Australian history. It is not magnetic nor made of iron ore or lead, and took Aunty Minnie half an hour to clean off the dirt, and may well be an ancient Egyptian relic, perhaps one of Nefer-Ti-Rus personal effects. Kariong's first British settler was W.H. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. There is a bit of climbing involved, so young children will require assistance and close supervision. The soldiers, who had served in the Sultanate of Egypt from the mid 1910s to early 1920s, cited an example of shapes in the form of the Sphinx and a pyramid known to have been made by a returning soldier. [4], The parallel walls upon which the glyphes are carved, Miscellaneous symbols, including a sphinx and the Eye of Horus, Egyptian God Anubis, the largest carving on the site. "[T]here are many reasons why they are not accepted as genuine hieroglyphics "First of all the way they're cut is not the way ancient Egyptian rock inscriptions are produced, they're very disorganised "There's also a problem with the actual shapes of the signs that are used. [26] Along with the silver dagger, a Royal token of God, our Creator. Ignoring, for the time being, the credentials of what is or isnt engraved on the two walls, there is a bounty of evidence that validates Darkinjung Elder, Aunty Beve Spiers, declaration that not only are some of the Kariong glyphs Egyptian, but there are other glyphs which are of an older tradition that are not Egyptian and were made by our people. He will only receive the most purest fruit. The sandstone rocks were huge, creating a tall corridor that we were told, once had a roof covering it. From Kariong interchange, travel down Woy Woy Rd. [Merged] The Kariong Glyphs. [8] Von Senff also referred to the late Ray Johnson as "Australia's foremost Egyptologist" in the dedication of his book on the Kariong Glyphs, so is is clear he holds a lot of respect for his predecessor. Regardless of who made them, the glyphs hidden deep in the Australia bush are certainly a sight to behold. He came from the House of God. Tips: Make sure everyone is wearing enclosed shoes, or even better, gum boots its often muddy. This "translation" was created by Ray Johnson, from Queensland, Australia, and Hans-Dieter von Senff.[8]. "Now these are factual things that we're finding and then I've also been given a metal piece of jewellery that doesn't have iron or lead, it's got a figure of someone kneeling on it and there it is right between the two walls," he said. This page was last edited on 26 August 2022, at 07:24. [4] For two seasons (eight months) he directed us eastward, weary, but strong to the end. Intrepid explorers have scrambled up the tight gap between two sandstone rockfaces, emerging into a narrow passage, to examine the hieroglyphs. The Egyptian Glyphs at Gosford in the Brisbane Water National Park in the Kariong area are a big attraction here despite the barrage of academic insistence that the symbols cannot possibly be real or ancient. The Australian Tribal Elders speak of their knowledge of being visited by Egyptians thousands of years ago. Archaeologists claim massive structure dates back 5,000 years, Opening Up a Can of Wormholes into Unexplained Phenomena. The Glyphs have several myths about their origin. Ages: This walk is best suited to kids aged five and up. abc.net.au/news/glyphs-reax/4428134 An Egyptologist from Sydney's Macquarie University has rejected any new claims about one of the most mysterious and controversial sites on the New South Wales Central Coast, known as the 'Gosford Hieroglyphs'. [17] Then we recovered ourselves. "There's no way people would've been inscribing texts from the time of Cheops from the signs that weren't invented until 2500 years later. She spoke to us of how hard she was working to save this and other sacred areas of Australias Original peoplefrom destruction, vandalism or sale by the government. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The chamber was aligned with the Western Heavens. Dash continued to visit for five years and saw new glyphs whenever he visited. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. In what only adds to the quality and quantity of this cross-cultural partnership, there are two sets of Aboriginal engravings, one containing 31 separate and distinct human characters and the other five figures, of which three have human bodies and what appears to be crocodile heads. But modern Egyptologists note how there are many discrepancies when we look at the Gosford Glyphs. Kariong Hieroglyphs. The Khemit School Team has visited, documented and completed an in depth study of the now famous Gosford Glyphs located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney, Australia. [2], The glyphs were first reported by Alan Dash, a local surveyor in Gosford, in the 1970s. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive an email when we add a new story. "We have other instances of Australian soldiers having carved, Egyptianising objects in the Kurringai National Park near Sydney," he said. [18] We walled in the side entrance to the chamber. 143K views 2 years ago #egypt #australia UnchartedX investigation into the Gosford Glyphs, encompassing recent research that draws some startling new conclusions as to the authenticity of the. [27] We have irrefutable evidence our Kings Son was killed by too much poison. The story of the glyphs, according to the following translation, is as follows: The discoveries have sparked renewed interest in the mysterious site, and the group plans to carry out a more extensive study of the region next year. Veer off to the left until you find the big "Grandmother Tree." [4] Other theories for their creation include high school students who copied them from their textbooks in the 1970s and a Yugoslavian immigrant with an interest in Egyptology who etched them in the early 1980s. 2023 Atlas Obscura. "It is straight and nature doesn't do straight lines, "There's a second shaft that runs downand the third one is a gallery that is big enough to park a car.". According to the 2016 census of Population, there were 6,385 people in Kariong. How do I manage my Childs transition back to school during COVID-19? 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The rock ceiling above the walls collapsed in 1960 after a bulldozer drove on top, that recent event, along with the liberal application of womens urine to the hieroglyphs, explains why the markings look so new. I, NEFER-DJESEB, Son of KHUFU, king of Upper and Lower Egypt (beloved by Ptah), has brought the god SUTI. Since then, the hieroglyphs have been claimed by amateur Egyptologists to be authentic script created about 4,500 years ago, by Egyptians who sailed to Australia and engraved their story into the stones after becoming shipwrecked.[5]. Learn how your comment data is processed. We have just filmed and investigated a series of tunnels (one over 10 metres in length) and a gallery big enough to park a car in, that run beside and under the two walls. 2. Parry in 1901. Read Article. [2] My fellow Egyptians call out from this place in this strange land for the god SUTI. [28] In the name of the Lord we buried him in the Royal Tomb in the northern part of this place, which was closed at the back side. An Egyptologist from Sydney's Macquarie University has rejected any new claims about one of the most mysterious and controversial sites on the New South Wales Central Coast, known as the 'Gosford Hieroglyphs'. Many, like professor Ockinga, would love for the glyphs to be legitimate ones. [4], There is a genuine Egyptologist by the name of Ray W. Johnson who works as a "Beaker Credentialed Trainer/Principal Trainer" at the University of Chicago. Renewed interest in Gosford glyphs. The Victoria-era quarantine station for Sydney. The discovery by Dan Collins of an exotic basalt chisel encrusted with olivite crystals, which was found beneath the newly filmed panel of glyphs, is intriguing. Von Senff also holds a Bachelor of Arts- English Literature, Australian Defense Studies and German from the University of Queensland and has a Ph.D. in Germanistics." A hidden history is now beginning to be shared, and one chapter, the ancient Egyptian presence in Australia, and in particular the Gosford region, is ready to be told. Some claim they are authentic Proto-Egyptian hieroglyphs carved by Egyptians over 4,500 years ago, but nearly all academics and relevant authorities dismiss them as merely an elaborate forgery. According to Ockinga, inaccuracies are evident in the way that the glyphs were carved into the rocks, as well as the time periods that the different glyphs that are carved originated from[1]. More than 1,000 stone figures were discovered in a small Nigerian town, where they had been sitting for centuries. Original Elder Aunty Minnie Mace also found, or was led to, another object at the same place and time. It's likely that the glyphs were carved in the 1920s by Australian soldiers. Offer available only in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). Translated: This is what the 5,000-year-old ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia say. Demise Of Cambodian City Angkor Caused By Decline In Occupation And Not Abrupt Collapse. Copyright Ancient Code. In a letter they state that one of the park officers caught someone adding cartouches to the wall with a chisel.[5].