doctor fate nicknames

(TV: The Day of the Doctor) When Clara was forced to take on his role for him, the Twelfth Doctor told her that "goodness has nothing to do with [being a Doctor]". (TV: The Time of the Doctor), After meeting his twelfth incarnation, the First Doctor was confronted by the mysterious Testimony Foundation, who claimed that the Doctor was the "Doctor of War". [25] Considered an unpopular re-imagining of the character,[1] the series was cancelled after 23 issues in September 1996. (AUDIO: Time in Office) Even those who had known them in childhood addressed them only as "the Doctor", such as the Master, (TV: Death in Heaven) and the Rani. Some time after the Helmet of Fate having been damaged during a battle with the entity referred to as the Upside-Down Man, the Helmet of Fate lost much of its power for a time but mysteriously gained newer abilities. (, Posh Doctor: The Twelfth Doctor referred to this incarnation as such when fearing he would be "Scary Doctor". When Kent Nelson's father died in the tomb of the Egyptian wizard Nabu, who took pity on Kent and raised him as his apprentice to become the Sorcerer Supreme and Lord of Order, Doctor Fate. Extant also scatters the helmet, amulet, and cloak. A fictional version of the Egyptian god of the same name, he is the deity that empowers one of his faithful followers, Khalis, placing him at odds with both Nabu and later the first of the sorcerous line of Doctor Fate, agents of the aforementioned Lord of Order. The Twelfth Doctor told Bill she was just trying to wind her up, but he later identified himself as "Doctor Who" to Jorj, noting that he liked the name. (, The Great Scourge: One of the names awarded to the War Doctor by the Daleks. Fate/Extra CCC - Foxtail. No rhyming suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas! We're experimenting with updating the wiki's look! The character was created as the fifth incarnation of the Doctor Fate character. Aside from the annual JSA/JLA team-ups in Justice League of America that began in 1963, Doctor Fate appeared in other stories through the 1960s and 1970s, including a two-issue run with Hourman in Showcase #5556, two appearances with Superman in World's Finest Comics #201 (March 1971 and #208, December 1971); an appearance with Batman in The Brave and the Bold #156 (November 1979); and a solo story in 1st Issue Special #9 (December 1975), written by Martin Pasko and drawn by Walt Simonson. Created by J.M Dematteis and Keith Giffen, the characters were created to replace the original incarnation of Doctor Fate. Doctor Fate and the rest of The Justice Society returned to All-Star Comics in 1976 with #58 for a two-year run ending with issue #74 and Adventure Comics #461-462 in 1978, and Adventure Comics #466 related the untold tale of the Justice Society's 1951 disbanding. [65] While his powers through the Helmet were initially provided by Nabu, Hauhet later becomes a patron of the helmet after it was damaged, granting him different powers; Hauhet's influences allows him to see the future at a cost of some of his sight although a possible future depicted its fully repaired state of allowing Khalid to see and experience future timelines without consequence. A crippled master criminal who created Solution Z which gave him an assortment of powers. (, Pendragon: Used when undercover as leader of the Triad organisation, Richard A. Fells: The Doctor used this name while posing as a prisoner in, Mr Ashcroft: The Doctor used this name to acquire recordings from, John Doe: The customary name in America for an unidentified. A skilled psychic whom Nelson visits soon after donning the Helmet of Fate in an attempt to learn more about it, using her skills to serve others despite skeptics often not believing her. Both Khalid and Kent would simultaneously act as Doctor Fate, the former being his apprentice to prepare to fully inherit the role. Eventually, Nelson too was killed and in the aftermath, the two would live out their afterlfie within the Amulet of Anubis for a time, the pair creating the life they missed out in their lifetime in the dimension, including a child. (TV: School Reunion, Smith and Jones) As "John Smith" was considered a generic name in some Earth cultures, the Doctor's use of the alias was occasionally treated with scepticism. (PROSE: Continuity Errors) He had been awarded the name upon orchestrating the destruction of the Dalek home planet Skaro in his seventh incarnation, (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) though the Daleks also used it prior to Skaro's destruction. (, Bowtie me: The Tenth Doctor referred to this incarnation to his companions. Like her uncle, she is also a renowned archaeologist. Eventually, it came into Nabu's possession to be granted to his chosen agent. One of the founding members of The Justice Society, Doctor Fate is able to use his powers to wield magic, conjure illusions and see the future. Selecting your Favorite Nicknames. We do not have any rights to the names created with our doctor name generator, but since the names are generated at random, please check to see if they are owned elsewhere. Nabu, who reveals that he was an alien entity from the planet Cilia took pity on Kent and taught him the "secrets of the universe". (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace, The Shakespeare Code, The Fires of Pompeii, The Time of the Doctor) Most names the Doctor kept were a matter of convenience, and they were prone to take on whichever name would help them blend in best, or stand out more, depending on the situation. (, Doctor Mason: An alias used when he took part in a jury at the trial of the, The Examiner: Still not sure if he was "the Doctor" after his first regeneration, the Doctor took on the identity of an Examiner from Earth after the, Clown: A nickname bestowed upon him by the, Beatles Haircut: A nickname given to the Second Doctor by, Scarecrow: Spitefully used as a retort against his unkempt appearance by the, The Comedian: A title given to the Second Doctor by, Doctor Noble: An alias used when he took part in a jury at the trial of the. (TV: The Name of the Doctor), The Doctor's real name became important during the Siege of Trenzalore, as it was the signal chosen by the Time Lords to come back to the universe, broadcasting the question "Doctor Who?" : The Doctor signed a document with a question mark prior to the, Long-Scarf Big-Eyes: A nickname given to the Fourth Doctor by, The Bohemian / The Wanderer: Titles given to the Fourth Doctor by, The Fifth Doctor used the name when he worked as a historical advisor on the short film, Gaius Claudius Maximus: The Doctor used this name while visiting, Doctor Walters: The Doctor used this name while stuck in Victorian, Dr Jonas Smythe: The Doctor used this name when working with, The Supremo: The Doctor called himself "the Supremo" while leading, Cricket Boy: A nickname given to the Fifth Doctor by, The Doctor sent an email signed "Smith, Dr. John" to, When infiltrating the Third Reich to investigate the origins of the Fourth Reich in, The Doctor used the name while working in Hut 12A at, He also used the name while posing as a British, Professor Erasmus Potgeiter of Pretoria Scientific Institute (, Nico Blair: Briefly used when trying to convince, The Sandman: Adopted as part of a plan to stop an alien race attacking others by inspiring the idea of him as a monster. (TV: Flatline), The Doctor considered abandoning his name if he felt he had to do something highly immoral. A powerful Lord of Chaos, Xanadoth once ruled her fellow Chaos Lords until they rebelled and sided with the Lords of Order to depose of her rule and erased records of her history. Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos: None. Names, nicknames and username ideas for doctor fate. In 1987, the Doctor Fate mini-series was released soon afterward, featuring the debut of Eric and Linda Strauss, who would replace the character Kent Nelson as Doctor Fate after being seemingly killed off by the antagonist of the book. She tends to inhabit the family cat, Puck, to communicate with Khalid and helps protects his personal life when his duties as Doctor Fate interferes with it. (PROSE: Ghost of Christmas Past), The Sixth Doctor told his dance instructor, Becky, his name. When he arrived in the United States, he began a career fighting crime and supernatural evil as Doctor Fate. After the team disbanded, Kent went into exile in the Tower of Fate to try to find inner peace. The Intelligence threatened to kill Clara Oswald and the Paternoster Gang if he did not speak his name and open the tomb; the situation was resolved when the data ghost of River Song was able to silently transmit his name to the TARDIS, thus opening the door for the Great Intelligence. In my nicknames for doctors, I use . J.S.". (PROSE: Illegal Alien) When asked about the Doctor's name, Peri Brown once said that the Doctor had told her she would find it unpronounceable. [35] The character's journey & world would be inspired by Marvel Comics' Spider-Man and Doctor Strange[35] and is notably one of DC Comics's first Muslim characters to headline a solo series. In All-Star Squadron #27-28, by Roy Thomas and Richard Howell, Doctor Fate used the full power of Nabu's helmet to find The Spectre, a powerful spirit under the thrall of his foe, Kulak. Soon, Linda herself was subjected to abuse at his hands but endured it for Eric, whom she found herself having a strange fascination with. (, Marley's Ghost: In reference to Jacob Marley of, Big Nose: The Tenth Doctor refers to this incarnation as such when questioning the Alternate Twelfth Doctor about his whereabouts. A non-binary animated ragdoll who becomes Khalid's apprentice some time after the death of Kent Nelson. (PROSE: Prelude Conundrum, Conundrum, Head Games) On television in the 1960s, fans referred to him as Dr. Who. After retiring, the Nelsons hire smuggler Jared Stevens to recover the helmet, amulet, and cloak from an Egyptian tomb. (, Me with the eyebrows: The Tenth Doctor calls him this to address him directly. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Armageddon Factor) It identified him uniquely amongst the Time Lords and was not to be spoken outside of the Academy. . Fate. Nassour would eventually permanently become the new Doctor Fate instead of Kent Nelson in the "Lords of Order" storyline. When the Justice Society of America was created for All Star Comics #3 (Winter 1940), Doctor Fate was one of the characters National Comics used for the joint venture with All-American Publications. Justin's body (save his severed head) is destroyed during the Curse's battle with Doctor Fate. A fictional depiction of the Egyptian goddess of the same name. : A Fate Worse Than Well Fate", "LEVITZ Channels DITKO For June's New, Unusual DR. She said it was "Doctor Who", and the Doctor had chosen it to be mysterious, but dropped the "Who" when he realised it was "too on-the-nose". Doctor Fate is a character seen in the DC Extended Universe's film Black Adam. These traditional nicknames are exactly the kind you are invited to please add to the following list. (TV: The Aztecs) However, their knowledge was limited to anything prior to the Rassilon Era. The original version of the character was created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Howard Sherman, debuting in More Fun Comics #55 (May 1940). While the original 2018 series was cancelled in 2020, the Justice League Dark series was instead re-purposed as a backup issue to the mainstream Justice League title, the backup issue written by author Ram V featuring a new storyline with Khalid remaining a reoccurring member of the Justice League Dark subdivision. [1] The character's backstory was also revised twice, his original origin in the Fate comic title and the Book of Fate re-imagining his origin. While they don't identify themselves on screen, their names (at least in the comics) are . This occurred in their seventh incarnation, (PROSE: Human Nature) and in their tenth incarnation. Fate is a Lord of Order, is one of the most powerful magic users in DC and often works in abstracts. (, Brigadier Bambera: Used when visiting the, The Traveller: Used to prevent a paradox when talking to the, Doctor Table: Used while trying to get a Neanderthal out of a hospital, claiming to be an expert in a rare disease that the man was suffering from. These phrases were later used in the TV series as the promise the Doctor made when choosing his name. Eric is killed on Apokalips during a battle with Desaad, forcing Linda to become Doctor Fate on her own. He is notable for his characterization of hating humanity in general. Jared Stevens debuted in Fate #0 in 1994, created by John Francis More and Anthony Williams. Doctor Strange was voiced by Daman Mills and Doctor Fate was voiced by Mike Varker. The character was featured in the Earth 2 ongoing series from #9 (February 2013) onwards. These forms of Destiney were popular as birth names in the year 2000 (AVERAGE #768) and have become significantly less common since (#1652, 88%), with versions like Destiny falling out of fashion. These abilities includes a half-helmet state, a "battle variant" (the classical costume of Doctor Fate),[59] and can access a "library" of spells through the helmet despite lacking Nabu. [3] Created with an emphasis on diversity and to take the character in a different direction, the biracial character's inspirations included Marvel characters like Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, the latter character having been influenced by Sonny Liew; Liew intended to depict a character entrusted with great responsibilities going through a journey of self-discovery in a world similar to the likes of Doctor Strange. Personality: Doctor Fate is very regal and righteous. Hector Hall first appeared in All-Star Squadron #25 (September, 1983) as the son of Golden Age heroes Hawkman and Hawkgirl, both characters whose stories include reincarnation as a central part of their fictional history. Origin. [71] Some versions of Doctor Fate also have the ability to mystically merge both body and souls with another also selected to be Doctor Fate, creating a magical being that calls themself Dr. Tony's Pizza Inc in Lake Charles. (, Sawbones: A codename used to reference the Doctor for, The Great Destruction of the Universe: Called so by the, The Idiot Child: A name for the Doctor used by, The Vessel of The Final Darkness: Another title in reference to the Doctor by the, The Roaring Winds of Righteousness: A title coined by, The Shadow of the Valeyard: Among the names for the Doctor recorded by the, The Uniter of the Thirteen Worlds of the Hoomis Collective (, Vanquisher and Sworn Enemy of the Sontarans (, The first edition of the behind-the-scenes book. Despite this, when the Doctor was facing death, Clara told the Time Lords through the Crack that the only name of his that mattered was "the Doctor" and everything he stood for under that name, prompting them to give the Doctor a new regeneration cycle at the cost of closing the crack. 5 5. Two nationwide elections will be held in Iran on 26 February 2016. (PROSE: Daleks Invade Zaos), Bessie's license plate during the Third Doctor's time at UNIT read WHO 1; (TV: Doctor Who and the Silurians) in the Doctor's seventh incarnation it read WHO 7, (TV: Battlefield) and WHO 8 in his eighth incarnation. However, this leaves a host vulnerable to Nabu, who can also usurp control of his bearer's will and body by force. " in 29 reviews Tony. He was known as Commentator Theta Sigma. (TV: Doctor Who), The Doctor adopted the name on a semi-regular basis during their third incarnation while exiled on Earth, when he served as unpaid scientific advisor to UNIT. Welcome to the NicknameDB entry on doctor fate nicknames! All-Star Squadron, Justice Society of America, Justice League International, Black Lantern Corps, Magic, Immortality, Invulnerability, Telekinesis, Levitation, Telepathic, Flight, strength, Archaeology Expertise, Hand-to-Hand Combat Experience, Occult Expertise, Medicine. The first character to debut as Doctor Fate was Kent Nelson, who appeared in his own self-titled six page strip in More Fun Comics #55 (May 1940) during the Golden Age of Comic Books. (PROSE: Salvation) His seventh incarnation likewise told one of his captors that he "doubt[ed] [they]'d be able to pronounce the name [he] was originally given." [55] Hector's new body is the biological son of Hawk and Dove (Hank Hall and Dawn Granger), who are agents of Chaos and Order, respectively, which makes Hector an agent of balance instead of one side or the other. 8. ", (AUDIO: Seven Keys to Doomsday) and when Citizen 327KL asked "Doctor who? In this account, he would later drop the "Who" because it was "a tiny bit on-the-nose". [23] Following Zero Hour, DC killed off both Kent and Inza and replaced them with a new character, Jared Stevens. His comic counterpart could've BFR'd both Adam and Sabbac instantly. One is for the new Majles (parliament), and the second one for the Assembly of Experts, a Constitutional body that appoints the Supreme Leader. Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate is the 94th episode of Death Battle, featuring Doctor Strange from Marvel Comics and Doctor Fate from DC Comics in a battle between sorcerous superhero doctors. A fictional depiction of the Egyptian deity of the same name. The helmet also contains a vast library of spells from which the user can draw. [56] When the Spectre goes on a quest to extinguish magic, he banishes Hector and his wife to a snowy mountain landscape for all eternity, which they are only able to 'escape' by entering the Dream realm, although this essentially kills their bodies and means they can never return to Earth. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [54] The Justice Society is reformed to protect the newly reborn Hector, who is being sought by Mordru so that he can use the boy's body to unlock the magical potential of Doctor Fate's artifacts for his own benefit. The only person who was able to help. Submit your nickname or copy the best name style from the list. The series ran for 67 issues and three annuals, concluding in 1987. Hair Colour: Blond. (TV: The Mysterious Planet) When the Fifth Doctor was officially inducted as Lord President, he declared that it was "out of the question" for him to be introduced by his true name, stating that he would accept being introduced as "Lord President Doctor". However, Mary would learn that despite T'giian's insistence, her will was powerful enough to override T'giian, giving her powers. Like other iterations of the helmet prior, Thoth's patron also granted a level of enhanced intellgience and spell-casting. Doctor Fate then appeared in the four-part special America vs. the Justice Society (1985) which finalized the story of the Justice Society, featuring an elaboration of the events of Adventure Comics #466 and a recap of the Justice Society's annual team-ups with the Justice League. Share this page. We use them to identify ourselves, connect with other users, and build relationships with each other. Despite this, she isn't necessarily There are no officially recognized countries that begin with the letter "x." Mexico and Luxemburg are the only two countries with names containing the letter "x," while China has two regions that begin with "x" - Xizang province and the Xin. The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate and his wife Inza Nelson appear in the, Doctor Fate's helmet made a brief appearance in the, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in series set in the, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in the, Several incarnations of Doctor Fate appears in, While in possession of the Helmet of Fate, Team members, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in the opening credits of, An original incarnation of Doctor Fate named, A variation of Kent Nelson / Doctor Fate appears in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a character summon in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a playable character in, Doctor Fate appears as a support card in the iOS version of, The first Doctor Fate figure was released in 1985 as part of the second wave of Kenner's, Two Doctor Fate figures were released in April 2009 as part of the, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 02:58. Sometime after his birth his mother died of unknown causes. After sacrificing himself and being resurrected using the Physician's Cure, he rescued Calypso out of Ogygia. (TV: The Day of the Doctor), The Eleventh Doctor began calling himself the "Oncoming Storm" when he misinterpreted Sean's request to help the King's Arms football team "annihilate" another team at a match. (PROSE: Alien Bodies) It was often preceded by the title "Doctor", though not always for example, when he was undercover as a teacher at a school or a patient in a hospital. Kent Nelson was a kind academic and one of the founding members of the Justice Society, with his magical abilities and the Helmet of Fate, he used to transform into the powerful mystical sorcerer known as Doctor Fate. [43] He would act as Doctor Fate alongside Linda, the two often merging in order to become Doctor Fate. Despite that, he fell in love with the human, Dorothea. Thousands of randomly generated ideas - funny, weird, creative, fancy, badass and more! (AUDIO: What Just Happened? (, Captain Grumpy: A nickname given by the Eleventh Doctor due to the War Doctor's serious personality. (TV: "The Forest of Fear", "Mighty Kublai Khan") Though by their second incarnation, he had studied medicine in the 19th century, (TV: The Moonbase) although Clara recalled the Doctor telling her that he graduated in the wrong century. In addition to appearing in JSA, DC published a self-titled, five-issue limited series in 2003. (, He also used it while posing as a patient at, While temporarily human in 20th Century England, he used the name John Smith, believing it to be his, He used the name "Dr. John Smith, opto-mechanical technician for the Imperial College [of] London" to gain access to the, The Tenth Doctor used the name while impersonating a health and safety officer during an investigation of, While at Eddison Manor after the murder of, The Tenth Doctor attempted to use the alias aboard the, The Tenth Doctor introduced himself as John Smith to, He used the alias "Dr. John Smith" when he claimed to be replacing Dr. Bell from the, The Tenth Doctor used the alias while pretending to be a manager of the, Doctor Vile: The Doctor briefly masqueraded as the, Dr Noble: The Doctor used this when investigating the Ood Industries claiming that he and Donna were from the, Chief Inspector Smith from Scotland Yard: Used when involved with the death of, Dr John Tyler: The Doctor used the name "Tyler" instead of "Smith" to avoid the, Mr Conditional Clause: A nickname given by a frustrated, Baby Doctor: The Twelfth Doctor referred to this incarnation as such when fearing he would be "Scary Doctor". While initially skeptical of Inza's Doctor Fate incarnation, she later befriends Inza after learning she is Doctor Fate from their souls interacting with one another in a near-death experience and the two become best friends. 3) #30 (August 2009), featuring in the book until its cancellation with #54 in August 2011. (, Sandshoes: A mocking nickname given to him by the Eleventh Doctor in reference to his choice of, Dick van Dyke: Another mocking nickname given by the Eleventh Doctor, after the Tenth commented on the War Doctor's gravelly voice. Throughout their travels in time and space, the Doctor took on and was called by a number of different aliases, titles and names. The early '40s adventures of Doctor Fate, in the pages of More Fun Comics. Hector Hall is a fictional character, a superhero appearing in DC Comics 's Infinity, Inc., Sandman and JSA. (TV: Twice Upon a Time), The Doctor did possess at least one doctorate. It has no doors or windows, being only accessible by magic. [24] The Doctor Fate character went through a radical redesign, dropping the "Doctor" title and gaining new weapons made from the previous related artifacts of Doctor Fate. For example, in Lustrum (the book that I'm currently reading), Cicero's consular colleague in 63 BC is named "Caius Antonius Hybrida". Manipulating the magics of Chaos & Order. [68], In 2013 several years after DC Comics rebooted the DC Universe through the New 52, a new incarnation of Doctor Fate would be created for the Earth 2 series; the incarnation of the character known as Khalid Ben-Hassin' is of Egyptian descent raised in the United States.