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The Metadoxizal, an alleged serpent text transcribed by humans, likens Yigs form to a mighty dragon. malleus monstrorum 7th edition the trove 28d79c4b43 The process partially transforms the unlucky person, causing their features to reflect those of Chaugnar Faugn to a lesser or greater degree. Encounters Lillith Most encounters are likely to take place in dream, either as a short type of communication or an elaborate dream adventure where a person could become trapped or tasked with some endeavor to be performed for Liliths benefit. In the main, though, it would seem that with the Old Ones extended period of hibernation such cults as they were have either dwindled or faded out of existence. 241 CHAPTER 2 m a l Possession: should a person consume a portion of Yumengtis flesh (knowingly or otherwise) the Old One may take possession of that individual unless they can succeed with an Extreme POW roll. In time, Kruschtya devoted all of this time to this work, causing his professional work to suffer and was consequently dismissed from his employment. In this manner, can the cultist learn spells and useful information. For those with lumps on their front lower abdomen, the effect can appear like a pregnancy or that the person has undergone significant 70% (35/14), damage 3D6 70% (35/14), damage 1D10 POW (see above) Armor None. Learn more about the Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck here. With over 150 entries concerning Cthulhu Mythos monsters and alien species, as well as creatures from folklore and animal beasts, this tome supplies a wealth of ideas to bring your campaigns and scenarios life with untold horrors. A hulking thing, grotesque and bulbous, it seemed weighed down by its mass, as though it had not moved for an eternity. Cult: Church of Starry Wisdom The Haunter of the Dark (sometimes the Father of All Bats) is said to be among Nyarlathoteps oldest avatars, and one well known to the mi-go and some other alien races (sometimes called the Fly-the Light). These books are value for the money, but be warned that in addition to the sticker price, you may be out some sanity points. Usually, such connections happen over a distinct period when Cthulhus dream state is brought close to consciousness (which often corresponds to the movement of Rlyeh, where the sunken landmass temporarily rises above the sea). If reduced to zero hit points, BMoth disappears. are registered trademarks. Not all products are in all warehouses. Powers Compulsion: those within 300 yards/meters are compelled to move toward Zhar and Lloigor if a POW roll is failed. Extended proximity causes plants, animals, and humans to freeze solid (humans may avoid this fate by wrapping up warmly). Download Malleus monstrorum files from TraDownload Here you can download free malleus monstrorum shared files found in our database: Malleus Monstrorum.pdf from host Call of cthulhu cha 23102 malleus . Regenerates 1D6 hit points for each magic point spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). Many members only see the group they are a part of, believing that they alone will be the ones to inherit TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CTHULHU STR 700 CON 600 SIZ 1,000 DEX 100 Hit Points: 160 Damage Bonus (DB): +20D6 Build: 21 Move: 16 / 12 flying Combat Attacks per round: 2 (crush, swipe) or 1 (scoop, stomp) Being somewhat large, Cthulhu may stomp and crush with its feet once per round, or scoop with its hands or face tentacles (to then crush or devour) once per round. Once you've decided on the fiends you're using, keep the books on your shelf and bring the cards to the game . Once INT reaches zero, the victim becomes lifeless and will die in 1D2 hours if hooked up to some form of life-support in this time, they may continue to live in a comatose state. The skin is oily and moist, coated in something like sweat. Eihorts servants may be mind-controlled humans or aliens, conglomerations of its brood, or individual maturing broodlings. bullets) deal minimum damage. Certain specific cults may be mentioned with a few key details; however, details are left purposely vague to enable Keepers to devise deeper backgrounds and operations to suit their own games. For, if the stars shall come right and the Old Ones are released, where are the Elder Gods in the prophecies? Magic POW: 140 Magic Points: 28 Spells: Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Command Shoggoth, Create Mist of Rlyeh (variant), Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Solar Gaze; others as the Keeper desires. In addition, multiple sleeping humans (up to several miles away) may be drained of 1D6 magic points over the course of a night in much the same fashion as a lloigor. Glaakis 28 magic points minus a targets 12 would equal a 16 percent chance for the dream-pull to work); each mile (1.6 km) of distance between the Old One and the target reduces the chance by 1 percent. Attacks per round: 1 or 2 (claws, bite) or 1 (snatch or consume) Swoops silently out of the sky, striking with both claws or its bite to injure or may snatch up its victim and thereby crush (2D6 damage), bite (2D6 damage), or drop them from a great height (1D6 damage per 10 feet/3 m). It is said that this dire music calls outward to touch the dead and sleeping Old Ones, who, upon hearing these curious notes, rise to consciousness and some kind of rebirth. A tentacle may be severed if suffering 16+ damage. An opposing view sees Aforgomon as Yog-Sothoths veins, that run through and connect differing dimensions of time. The lore does not record the entity as being desirous of an earthly domain, unlike certain Great Old Ones, and it does not seem to manifest on Earth of its own accord, but rather its visits here arisen from summons. Cult Han has little in way of earthly human cults, but some of the Cult of Yig venerate its name. Sometimes, the faces of the souls consumed by Nyarlathotep may be seen created in the clouds, blizzards, or dust of this awful wind. UPDATE 07/17/22: I apologize about the hiatus, I'm still alive and well. The darkness took form: a mass of twisting gray-black flesh in which a milky-white orb, an eye of enormous size, was surrounded by clusters of reaching tentacles. Semi-Material: able to fly through solid objects at will. Other names: Shining Hunter, the Source. ", "9/10 - Malleus Monstorum is an absolute gem Chaosium delivers a jam-packed two volume reference that blends flavor and mechanics to offer Keepers a detailed accounting of Mythos-based threats.". Glaaki can attempt a dreampull once per night, for as many nights as desired. Of course, not all will agree, with much of society being repulsed or fearful of such art by its maker. Encounters with Tulzscha are rare and most likely to come via its cultists or in the shape of those possessed by a portion of the Outer God. Trample: may trample beings of SIZ 300 or less, and may affect all within a 20 yard/meter radius of the god. If reduced to zero hit points, Lilith crumbles to dust. Praise be his name. and our I want Psionics to be . Certainly, somehow finding and getting inside a shan vessel would bring one face to face with a shrine to the entity, which could, in turn, lead to some form of a psychic vision of Xada-Hgla. Rarely has this entity appeared on Earth, and such records of its alleged arrivals are fragmentary and perplexing. Otherwise, the entity appears content to remain in its hidden lair unless somehow magically summoned. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: YIBB-TSTLL STR 200 CON 240 SIZ 260 DEX 80 Hit Points: 50 Damage Bonus (DB): +5D6 Build: 6 Move: 0 Touch of Wisdom: the physical touch of Yibb-Tstlls tentacles causes others to change. According to accounts, it is a mindless thing that hungers to consume life. If reduced to zero hit points, Tawil atUmrs form shines with intense light and seems to implode until nothing remains. Subsequently, Liliths name has appeared in Egyptian and Greek works, as well as those of the Hittites and Israelites. The rite takes approximately 2D10+2 minutes to be effective, and costs the performer variable magic points, 10 POW, and 1D10+3 Sanity points. If summoned, it is liable to burst upward from the ground, showering all present with filth, dirt, and virulent ichor. As they form from unknowable alien and cosmic minds, it is possible for one beings avatars to conflict or work in opposition, as each is self-governing to some degree, although rarely do one beings avatars interact or meet. It may either artificially create skin or, more simply, use the skin of a human (although this will begin to decay). Possible Blessings Sprout Tentacles: from face or body (costing 5 magic points), granting extra attacks (1D4+DB damage) and a Sanity roll (0/1D6 loss). The account tells of the wizard being sent to a dismal plain where cities of bone rise and ghastly inhabitants work and fashion strange Tulu metals. One may suppose that this place is but one of millions where such unhappy travelers could find themselves if they venture too close to Daoloth. Why these beings should feel obligated to the inhabitants of the Earth is beyond reason. This is a lovely product. In either case, scientific dating would indicate that Yig came to Earth around the Cretaceous era, some 250 to 100 million years ago, if such scales can be relied upon. DEX 80 Hit Points: 60 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 Build: 5 Move: 10 Combat Attacks per round: 4 ( Uses worm-like tentacles to strike and grab up to four opponents, or may all to outnumber a single target. Spells, such as Cast Out Devil, may force Nyarlathotep out of the host without destroying the body, but the persons mind is likely gone forever permanently insane, at the very least. Combat Attacks per round: 1D6 (lash, bash) or 1 (envelope) Attacks with serpentine limbs to lash and bash. Able to use radios, televisions, and other receivers, the avatar spreads the words of sleeping Cthulhu, corrupting innocent minds and turning them into believers who would work the Great Old Ones will. Effects include: - Y YEGG-HA (Lesser Old One/Unique Entity) Roman soldiers had described the thing they claimed to have put down: some ten feet tall, winged, horned, and possessing a sloth-like body covered in gray, sagging flesh with lumpen arms and legs. Try Lulu, Explore Call of Cthulhu Scenarios products, Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming, Petersens Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors - Hardcover, Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - PDF, Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - Leatherette Slipcase Set, The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic Hardcover, Mansions of Madness: Vol 1 - Behind Closed Doors - Hardcover, Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook - Hardcover, Bookwyrms TTRPG Reading Club kicks off with Call of Cthulhu, Journey to Jonstown #53: "I think this little volume should be any RuneQuest fan's next purchase", Chaosium Con 2023 Event Spotlight: 7th Sea LARP "The Pirate Crown" with John Wick. Accounts relate that witnessing the appearance of the Sacred Light brings clear sight and a means to see beyond the constraints of our reality. Other names: Beast of the Labyrinth, the Lurker Below, Great Pale One. The body mass usually is crafted to appear rubbery or rugose, with some idols detailing curious growth or warts, and possessing prodigious claws or hands on hind and fore feet. Fighting (human form) 100% (50/20), damage 3D6 or 6D6 Armor None, but may create magical armor by expending 1 magic point per armor point desired. Abhors light; bright light deals 1D10 damage per round while normal light sources inflict 1 damage per round (see Control Light, above). As one scholar, Clementine Wilson, puts it, Sebeks disguise suited it perfectly, it could feed off humanity and grow fat. There is general agreement that Sebek departed the planet to feed elsewhere, which coincided with or followed the decline of the Ancient Egyptian world; thus, the cult of Sebek also declined and became lost to history. When roused to move, they purposefully make their way to a target and attempt to place their hands on the persons forehead. Such cults practice ritual murder and often embrace death, believing their spirits will join with Iod and be reborn in its image. If mundane weapons can harm it, allowing the investigators to actually hurt it is a good thing, giving the players some agency and possibility of achieving something; setting the armor value at 20 means that theres no way for the investigators to do anything, whereas 8- or 10-point armor permits the possibility of harm (even if it requires an Extreme success to do so). **A person reduced to their essential salts may be brought back to life with the Resurrection spell. A single shaft of beaming liquid light descending from above in which colorful splendors of this universe and others shall be visible. The preponderance of vermin, insects, and other crawling things that seem unhealthily drawn to the deity further amplifies this feeling of uncleanliness. Mundane physical attacks deal minimum damage (incl. Noxious: at a cost of 1 magic point, Tulzscha may emit noxious gases causing earthly life within 5 yards/meters to suffer 1D4 damage. bullets) deal minimum damage. While such tactics appear to have paid off in a number of cases, the overall cult of Utulls-Hrher remains small at this time. 4 1.2k Posted December 14, 2020 Once a person has undergone a full transformation, they either become a servitor of Qyth-az or a mindless thing intent on mayhem and destruction. At times, the avatar takes on a semimonstrous visage, with serpentine hair, black eyes, claws, and fangs. Some of its servants are tasked with writing, copying, or compiling volumes and editions of the Revelations of Glaaki. Hear Dreams: able to read the dreams of others (2 magic points per target) and discern their meaning (possibly granting insights into what the target is thinking or will do next). Twins they say, each much bigger than an ox and looking like some awful beetle or tortoise, seeing how they have these colored carapaces protecting them. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 3D6 + risk of being paralyzed (see above) Armor 10-point extra-dimensional armor. 90 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS GNOPHKEHS down and took strange forms, gathering around Gnophkehs, choking and bringing this reign to an end. (Great Old One/Unique Entity) Cult The image depicted a vaguely humanoid thing encased in ice. The victim may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR or DEX roll. Over 500 spells of dire consequences, secrets, and unfathomable power! Those surviving the initial touch of pain may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR or a Hard DEX roll, if able to act in that same round, otherwise, they will die on the following round. Nyogtha, the thing that should not be Other names: Star Beast, Void Feaster, Zvilpoggua. 107 CHAPTER 2 m a l HASTUR: KING IN YELLOW, THE nightmares can expand and retract, sometimes possessing and claiming other lands and cities on other worlds. He said that we would know Zhar as like a great number of eels, bound together, upright, and ever-moving in unison, while Lloigor resembled a mound of writhing worms. Fighting 100% (50/20), damage 1D10 (see above) Vampiric (mnvr) 100% (50/20), damage 1D10 POW (see above) Armor None, but ignore the first 10 points of damage suffered in a round (i.e. For some, Mguleloc is an Old One, while for others it is considered a lesser and unique entity (and perhaps the immature spawn of a greater being). No Outer God or Old One will stick around if someone is blowing chunks out of them, or else they will regenerate faster than they can be killed. These other beings may act or speak on behalf of the Old One, and make strike their own bargains with the humans who summoned them. Hear its bellowing howl and know that death is astride the very air. Those such as Great Cthulhu are sometimes referred to as the Great Old Ones, distinguishing them from actual gods as humanity generally understands the term. Diseases mutated and accelerated by Hastalk may cause delusional fevers and/or fevered visions/dreams in humans, with things seen of a Mythos nature (possibly with associated Sanity loss and Cthulhu Mythos skill gain). To resist being incapacitated by the twisting and stretching effects for 2D6 rounds, those inside the area must make a POW or CON roll at Extreme difficulty. YTHOGTHA (Great Old One) The statuette was loathsome and felt wet when touched despite its bone-dry appearance. Clearly, a warning for us to go no further lest we bring Basts anger and retribution on our heads. If the death of the new host body does not occur, the displaced mind is locked into its new form until such time as natural death or Eihort decides to move the mind again. Such is the abhorrent worship of this entity. One, Star Cult Mguleloc does not appear to have any human cult. Perhaps a portion, something like a wall of cold flame or a sphere of cold, might be sent in respect of a summons, like a herald or a mouthpiece for the god. Fighting (human) 80% (40/16), damage 1D3+1D4 Fighting (monstrous) 80% (40/16), damage 1D6+1D4 Entangle (monstrous; mnvr) 70% (35/14), held, damage 1D6 (see above) Armor None in human form; 3-point skin in monstrous form. SHUB-NIGGURATH Opposite: Shub-Niggurath, the black goat of the woods Combat Attacks per round: 1 (incorporeal), 2 (human-reptilian form), or 4 (monstrous form) While incorporeal, may only use its mental powers or a vortex attack. Magic POW: 250 Magic Points: 50 Spells: BMoth does not usually utilize spells. Thus, at times, the Old One materializes on Earth for a period before again being cast through space and time to appear elsewhere in the cosmos, sometimes within our own reality, sometimes in another. Dream lore recounts a prophecy where, one day, Lilith will regain power enough to escape permanently from its Dreamland prison and travel to a place or temple between the worlds. Indeed, those nightgaunts associated with the entity somehow smell and seem different from their kin in the thrall of other beings. Touch: living cells physically touched by the Old Ones appendages are transformed into solid mineral formations if an Extreme POW roll is failed. The text, sometimes referred to as the Charnel Text, is said to have been written by ghouls under the direction of Mordiggian, and tells of strange rites and sacraments in this god s name. (Great Old One) Know this as a winged demon whose countenance resembles a wicked avian terror with fiery eyes of evil intent in which the flames of Hell doth burn brightly. This lesser-known and bizarre-looking being is said to be a relative of Tsathoggua and Ghisguth, and the progeny of Cxaxukluth, although at least one text suggests this entity is an immature Old One whose final manifestation is yet to take shape. It reforms in 1D10 years. Cult: Brothers of the Skin The Brothers (or Brotherhood) of the Skin is the predominant cult associated with the Skinless One. Powers Eihorts Bargain: a human brought before the entity (or those who unwittingly find themselves there) is held in place (through fear if failing a Sanity roll), allowing Eihort to pose a number of questions. What calamity befell the Old One and caused it to become encased in ice (and presumably unconscious or dead) is not detailed. The whispers appear to arise from tales of German settlers to Australia in the early 19th century, who are said to have brought with them a seed of a Great Old One that was nurtured and grew into what they call the Eye of Intoxicating Tears. Tulzcha Possible Blessings Flaming Truth: grants the ability to detect lies and mistruths at the cost of 5 magic points; the target must be spoken to in person, and they cannot tell a lie (all questions must be answered truthfully). "An old school game with rules-light mechanics designed for the kind of game play popular in the early days of role-playing games. What does it smell like? Anyone got a link for the malleus monstrorum for 7e? The Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook has the full rules including background, guidance, spells, and monsters of the game. The final stage of such creations is the full manifestation of the Tick Tock Man within the machines circuits or cogs. Try to build in some agency for the players, even if its ultimately an unwinnable fight, letting them see the error of their ways with a few blows that only maim rather than kill, and giving them the chance to run away before they are all eaten. Change Form: able to instantly change form, and may fashion a form taken from the mind/memory of the viewer(s). Local lore explains the structure was built by the Romans and has stood here ever since. Were using armor value as the example here, but the intent shown applies to the rest of the statistics for your deity too. 208 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - U - Manuscripts, and the Book of Eibon, there is little written to describe what these texts are, their actual form, or clearer details of their contents. The Mythos is weird, go with it. If reduced to zero hit points, Quachil Uttaus turns into a cloud of dust. Perhaps its fantastical trails of flame combine with the Music of the Spheres, weaving the elements together to produce the enchantment designed to stop Azathoth from waking? QUEEN IN RED, THE Appears as a strikingly beautiful and powerful woman, usually dressed in crimson-colored attire, lavishly adorned with expensive jewelry. A gigantic sphinx with vulturine wings and the body of a hyena, equipped with talons and claws. Presumably, on other worlds, the physical form is different yet draws from the local wildlife to a similar effect. A few may even be bodily transported directly to Qyth-az for a personal meeting with the Old One. While the Red Sisterhood and the Burning Hearts have a tendency to wild abandon and recklessness, the Daughters of Blood are a more calculating and careful group, given more to considered planning and cunning in their bid to infiltrate positions of power to better prepare the way for their goddess who, they believe, shall soon come. Those who fall into or are pulled into the entitys mass are most likely lost forever, their bodies absorbed. Should they undergo successful Psychoanalysis, Cythulos hold on Those seeking to explore death and the doorways beyond life might cause the appearance of Cythulos, or at least draw the unsuspecting into some form of contact with a cult dedicated to the deity. Rather, their consciousness or their physicality acts to influence, corrupt, ELDER GODS For some, the Elder Gods are a different classification of cosmic being, perhaps older than the Outer Gods. Air Walk: Ithaqua may move freely across the sky. Most are misguided, believing the King in Yellow to embody high ideals and seeing Carcosa as an eternal golden age that can be brought to bear and reform the planet. 149 CHAPTER 2 m a l or others who are trying to invoke the spirit of the wild, while also appearing on a witches sabbat to welcome new members and ask them to sign its Black Book of Names. Other names: Masters of the Abyss, Ones Below. Such folk tend toward nihilism or at least apathy toward the world around them. Thus, in North America, diamondback rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths, and timber rattlesnakes might appear as Yigs children.