valentine's day meditation script

The message we see over and over is buy jewelry, buy chocolates, buy cards, buy flowers, and make reservations for dinner. Beautiful artwork to be displayed and remembered was created around the theme of the ceremony. You can make each script yours by adapting the language to suit your style and personality. Love is within each of us. Meditation, Spirituality and Conscious Living. We stand open-eyed, open-armed, open-hearted, and open-willed to accept itfor ourselves, from ourselves, with ourselves. Begin to feel the chest rise and fall. As you exhale, feel that stress dispersing and leaving your body. Increasing self-awareness. Meditation Suitable for Everyone Plays 4k Happy Valentine's day my lovely friends For this special, love-filled day I thought I would share with you a little guided meditation script on ensuring love is the priority in your heart. In the middle of the month we celebrate Valentine's Day. Bow to your heart and tell it youll be with it again soon. How can we cultivate a daily relaxation practice? Feel the gentle touch and warmth of your hands resting on your chest. They may include specific types of movements or activities conducted in a meditative way. Emotions often reside in the heart center and our emotions lead us through our lives in a truly profound way. This divides the box into sections. She is also the creator of another groundbreaking DVD series, the recently released Hot Body Cool Mind: The Life Force Power System! W To practice loving-kindness meditation, sit in a comfortable and relaxed manner. Consciously let go and allow yourself to feel deeply relaxed. Unknown. Four corner dots, pencil. "You're never one to rage against the rules, but today you're feeling like shaking things up," Stardust says. Zentangle can be defined as focused active artistic meditation that anchors and memorializes an event. You can either use the same phrases, repeating them again and again, or make up phrases that better represent the loving-kindness you feel toward these beings. Acknowledge it and keep things going but this is not a race this is not a challenge this is the time of your life to reconnect with your true higher self this is your time to spread your little wings and soar higher than before stronger than before better than before. If you need to finish it up before you reach the end, then skip to the bottom of the script and finish it up. After a period of directing loving-kindness toward yourself, bring to mind a friend or someone in your life who has deeply cared for you. Happy Valentine's Day, my love. This. A deep inner smile spreads like a relaxing elixir making us receptive to transform negative energy into positive. I did this very thing today, and was surprised and delighted to find that when I looked at myself, I felt a sudden sense of comfort, peace and quiet. You can use your baby's name or the phrase, "my baby", whichever seems right to you. How Creative Expression Promotes Self-Love, Art as Meditation: How Painting Landscapes Can Promote Healing. And then, I smiled, a deep, broad smile that lit up my face- the face that was staring back at me, and inside, I could feel the new, life-giving energy that can only come from love zephyring up and down my spine and traveling to every part of my being, igniting me with inspiration and epiphany. Comment below. This meditation is designed to give you a unique Valentine's day experience, independently if you are in a committed relationship or not. Living with an inner smile is to live in harmony with yourself. The smiling energy emanating from Mantak Chia was reminiscent of enlightened souls such as the Dalai Lama. When you heart, comment or share, the article's "Ecosystem" score goes uphelping it to be seen by more readers & helping the author to get paid. The day that most people pretend to hate because they either don't feel loved, or don't want to show love, but mostly because they always wish the love they had was more intense, more real. world's most comprehensive guided meditation website where you can learn how to meditate for free, enjoy meditation music, and experience the bliss of guided meditations. We dont need to suppress them or numb ourselves through food, alcohol, a one-night stand, or Netflix bingeing. You can also download this self love meditation script as a separate PDF file. # What we want to do is create a sacred space for our heart-centered meditation practice. Lay your palms softly on your thighs. As Joseph Addison expressed, What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. A genuine smile puts us at ease whilst a frown creates unease, promoting disease and depression according to modern and traditional medicine. Take a moment to appreciate and acknowledge being present. 1 Get help from kids. Beneath our suffering and hurt lies boundless compassion and love. It is Our Day, Oneness Day, really. Use the questions that follow the script if you need some inspiration for discussion and sharing. E To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance It features a low-pitched tone at 10 Hz (for relaxation), followed by a high-pitched tone, before alternating back to beta and gamma frequencies. There's nothing more peaceful than being in your arms. This Valentine's we bring you ou. Tangles should be composed of very simple elemental strokes. Though a smile may feel fake initially our psychophysiology responds with happiness anyway. Whatever the sensation, allow it to just be. Right here, right now? Historically, Valentines Day was started to celebrate love, fertility, and new beginnings. Research won't help because it varies with child. The Chopra Renew & Restore Detox Kit is a gentle and effective 7-Day cleanse rooted in the wisdom of Ayurveda and backed by science. And, if you don't have a password, no worries just click the button below, and I will send you one. Required fields are marked *. Others flood social media with Valentines Day status for singles or plan singles Valentines Day parties to celebrate friendship. It allows us to relax, take a deep breath, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. M For self love meditation script I suggest that you enhance your experience with a unique brainwave sound called Confidence Shot. Through this practice, you will open yourself up to give and receive love as well as to rejuvenate and fill yourself with gratitude . Heart Versus Head Intelligence Remind them that this is a time to be silent and notice things, and that there will be time to share their experience after the meditation. We are the whole, sacred, essence of love in a walking, talking miracle of a being. The miracle of the healing heart leads us into the month of February, the month of love, in all its forms. This helps reinforce the intentions expressed in the phrases. Create a Free Account & Get 2 Free Reads. One must love oneself before one can truly love another. What Ive found in my research is that specific brainwave sounds stimulate specific points of your brains and help you achieve desired results faster and stronger. Box 687, Sedona, AZ 86339 There are movements in communities to broaden our understanding and give depth of meaning to the day of love. Recall a situation in your life that is challenging or difficult and causing you hurt or stress. It is nurturing, nourishing and forgiving. Pin It. 1001 Free Fonts offers the best collection of Valentine Fonts. As you continue the meditation, you can bring to mind other friends, neighbors, acquaintances, strangers, animals, and finally people with whom you have difficulty. At the end of one session, everyone placed their tiles on a table in order to appreciate each others work. Take a long deep breath in and a long deep breath out listen to the sound of your breathing becoming heavier and heavier at every breath you take use this moment to focus on your emotions, on how you feel Focus on your breath to create a regular sooth and intimate environment to cultivate a new improved mindful and open mindset. It teaches us to see and understand patterns in the world around us by seeing parts of the whole in design. By practicing a heart-centered visualization meditation practice on a regular basis, you can be a pioneer of this heart-centered awareness. It relaxes our entire body and also helps us progress in the practice of self-inquiry, which is so central to the practice of yoga. No cards, flowers or candy necessary. As you approach life without judgment toward yourself or others, you will notice that there is a shift in your perception and experience of life. Leave me a comment in the box below. Just swap out the words to fit the theme you're using. With all that is mirrored to us in antithesis of it, we may miss it, or misinterpret it. First to bring Pilates to the masses, her award-winning videos, The Method, revolutionized the fitness community, starting the explosive wave of enthusiasm for Pilates. It is the latter, philautia, love of oneself that is paramount. And, you can easily add it to a tree theme, seed theme, or flower theme in the springtime. With time, your heart connection will grow stronger and, with time, see how this changes you, little by little. Emma Sloan is a Canadian copywriter, essayist, poet, and flash fiction writer. Learning about the profound uses of tangling has lit a fire for me to consider ideas about incorporating Zentangle art into events or ceremonies. ~Oscar Wilde. You get love, you get love, everyone gets love! Earn the highest Chopra Certification available and expand your toolbox of offerings. If you're just beginning, it can help to choose a short time, such as five or 10 minutes. 5.0. A certified meditation teacher who is passi Read full bio. Memories of good times with old lovers can be stirred up, bringing painful emotions with them. Tangles should be composed of very simple elemental strokes. We push our bodies, minds and hearts to work more each day, without stopping to say thanks. Some decide to spread their love in other ways, like sending a financial valentines gift to comfort and care for broken-hearted donkeys around the world. One must love oneself before one can truly love another. It is the ahh of aloha, and the aha of divine revelation. Face it not all kids will agree on one thing between the ages of 5-12 but maybe something that's a common like with kids will work. What if each attendee was given basic instructions just prior to the ceremony while they were waiting and then given the tools to tangle a single tile during a ceremony? One of the reasons this is so important is that, whether we realize it or not, we actually experience life not just through the lens of our minds, but also through the lens of our feelings. Then slowly repeat phrases of loving-kindness toward them: May you be happy. Here's some inspiration for using this mindfulness activity for Valentine's Day: Do one pose each morning at circle time Do a flow of three poses each morning Add pictures of the poses, printed or hand drawn, to a pocket die and do the pose that is rolled Practice in pairs and have the partners find a way to connect the poses It is freely given. Connect dots to form a border. I need a sample letter for my oath ceremony. If you arent experienced with meditation, I suggest, that you keep sessions brief, so you can maintain the focus. May you be well. We check ourselves into a nice hotel downtown, the Spokane Club, which began its life in 1890 as a historic "gentlemen's club." Above all, remember that there is no need to judge yourself for having these feelings. Meditation on 1 Corinthians 13. . More detailed information can be found here: Appreciation/gratitude tools, time, space. We have so much of it ourselves, we can share it freely with all that is. A heart awareness visualization meditation is one of the best practices you can do to get really present with the intelligence and awareness of your heart. Script for emcee in valentine s party. Mantak Chia, one of my esteemed mentors, teaches the Inner Smile to people around the globe, and here is a Valentines gift from me to you- an introduction to one of the easiest and most accessible ways to love yourself and your organs. Our trusty pelvic floor is known to be the energetic center of pleasure, sexuality, and joy. Today, the pressure to be in a relationship and to buy stuff to prove love has led to much psychological distress and even depression for both couples and singles. Initial/sign create your unique initials to mark your work. Then you can Heart an article, boosting its "Ecosystem" score & helping your favorite author to get paid. May you celebrate love not only this one day but throughout the year. Use this meditation to open up your heart and build kindness in your life through cultivating self-compassion and giving of your authentic self. Here I am, self, here I am spirit, saying hello and giving you some much deserved, overdue love. One recites specific words and phrases evoking a "boundless warm-hearted feeling." If youd like, ask your heart a question or two and see what comes up. You can simply download the Confidence Shot MP3 and use it however you like; on your phone, MP3 player, radio, etc. Focusing on the present. All are sacred spaces of joy, kindness, generosity, beauty and abundance. Negative thoughts become entrenched in our energy and imprint themselves on our face. Reducing negative emotions. Learn some techniques that will give you a greater sense of self-love, clarity and empowerment. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines. You can find her at her new site:, Yogapedia Terms: May this sites daily new articles inspire & expand your mind& heart in the midst of this busy-busy world of ours. Say to yourself, ". And, while we may not welcome these feelings, it is more than okay to experience them. PDF. Copy editor: Travis May. Change out the words so it is customized for your groups needs and your current theme. You may acknowledge that this moment hurts, is stressful, or is painful. Breathe into that space and just let those places of tension dissolve with each inhale and exhale. Perhaps you feel broken hearted, perhaps you are tired of watching couples from a distance or perhaps there is something, some spark, you want to grow or a painful hurt you wish to discard. As you say these phrases, again sink into their intention or heartfelt meaning. Hey, thanks so much for reading! But again, follow their lead. It's Valentine's Day. The most helpful thing we can do for ourselves when these feelings arise is to simply be with them. But God is. Ryan Althaus, From Emaciated to Emancipated, Podcast: Steven Washington, Recovering You, Podcast: Clark Strand, Waking Up to the Dark, Knowing the Goddess Kushmanda: The Art of Self-Love. This is a collection of interactive hearts and flowers. This page features four prayers and blessings for Valentine's day, with a beautiful prayer for your loved one, a prayer for couples, and an ancient Judeo-Christian blessing. Others can train your mind to stay still. Allow this gentle, healing energy to flow from you and to you, spreading to your whole body and bringing calm and healing where it is needed. But, you can really use it to grow any character quality your class needs to work on. Ive been thinking about Valentines Day for a while the cards, the decorations, and the advertising that began well before the start of the month of February. Their engagement level will probably be different every time you practice meditation. Kindest regards, heart articles you love. But what if we dont feel like smiling? by Julie Peters. Zentangle is a therapeutic ritual that values the journey as a treasured opportunity to meditate and create. The fourth or heart chakra sits at the center of the seven chakras. Ships from United States. I just dont have a committed relationship, and that feels fine for me at the moment. Simply notice the sensations in your ahahata chakra. The usual format is to start with ourselves, then move on to a person close to us, followed by a person with whom we are acquainted but not close to. So, you can use it to grow courage or patience or even use it to grow an emotion like love or joy. We focus on anything that's good for you, good for others, and good for our planet. He cares, wants us to be healed, cleansed from our sins, in right relationship with Him and others around us, and on our way to heaven. Take these last precious moments to acknowledge your commitment to this practice, to bring that light, that magic with you in your daily life. 7 Ways to Celebrate Universal Love this Valentines Day. Now imagine that with each nurturing and nourishing breath, youre wiping away any dirt or dust thats covering your heart. R Go to your sacred spot for meditation and sit comfortably. . The script I am sharing here is for growing kindness and it will fit perfectly into your Valentine's or friendship theme. Your investment will help Elephant Journal invest in our editors and writers who promote your values to create the change you want to see in your world! This year, I decided to explore rituals that would have meaning for people like me, so that I wouldnt feel isolated or alone in the love department. Once you find your moment take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale out from your mouth. Our self-dislike and disappointment grow within our sense of isolation. Focus on one particular thought: think about the one thing you love about yourself. If smiling feels so good why dont we do it more? With a clean and open heart we can love everything and everyone around us more deeply. See the light waiting for you on the other side this is the warm wave of love that you deserve for what you really are your inner magic you often try to hide its now ready to spread all over your life. valentine's day meditation script. Love is in the air with these romantic fonts. When youre ready, open your eyes and bring your hands into prayer position at your heart center. Right here, right now? Gotta start somewhere. The beauty of Zentangle, Learning about the profound uses of tangling has lit a fire for me to consider ideas about incorporating Zentangle, art into events or ceremonies. The movement gives a wiggly body something to do and a distracted mind something to focus on. Happy Valentines Day to all. G Since a journey to India when she was 20, the practice has been her constant companion. When you act with kindness and compassion, you can give to others and share your true gifts. (You can download it free from the, Last, a creative activity or project, even a simple drawing following a meditation experience can be an effective way for your kids to express their experience and to integrate their new discoveries into their daily lives. For those who are experiencing unrequited love. It is Our Day, Oneness Day, really. "May my baby be surrounded with loving-kindness. The beauty of Zentangle within the contemplative process and environment allows spirit to move in surprising ways. 1. How to make yours fierce and toned >>, Elephant Academy is back. For those who are grieving the passing of their life partner. Sit up nice and tall, keep your shoulders relaxed, close your eyes and breathe. When you are ready, put your hands down and gently open your eyes. Heart Browser. Sign up (or log in) below May I be safe. All healing traditions recognize the crucial role of the heart in sustaining life and energizing the body. There are apps, books, podcasts, videos, and how-tos. The most optimal way to prepare for a guided self love meditation is to adjust this session to the time you have available. Begin to feel the belly rise and fall. Click here to view full text or download a PDF format. Learn More. Breathing Awareness Meditation This breathing awareness relaxation script will guide you to focus on each stage of a breath as you breathe slowly and gently.. Beginner's Breathing Meditation This breathing meditation script will guide you to relax by focusing on your breathing.. Facebook. You can use whatever seated relaxing position as long as it makes you feel comfortable and its completely pain-free. Confidence shot replicates this pattern with special brainwave sounds that will help you become confident and self-assured in your decisions.