cyberman conversion fanfiction

2 of them carried stumpy weapons, with a flawed opening and sub-machine gun style stock. Cerebral functioning would then be limited, rendering the victim unconscious, as their connection to the Cyber-Mainframe strengthened. Ianto asks that he be permitted to reason with Lisa before the team attempts to attack her again. Knowing that Levinson would oppose full implementation of the Scorpius project, the Cybermen allowed Hunt to send his warning; now, Levinson will believe that the project has been terminated, and once the time is right, he will be replaced by a new President who will be more amenable to what Scorpius has to offer. The Cyberiums analysis of the space-time continuum revealed an aberration: a rift, splitting one timeline into several, each with its own version of the Doctor and the Master. Now they sat, with inhuman patience amongst the stars, for the 2007 invasion. A single jet of flame hit one in the chest. The black clad Intruder stepped forward, its enormous hand reaching out to encompass the entirety of the CyberLords head. Or maybe the Tardis had sensed your distress and alerted her pilot? President Karen Brett has ordered Cybermen to be deployed among the . When Lisa starts to revive, they escape to the main Hub where they find Jack, very much alive. Which is my biggest issue with it. In canon, he takes one path. Sols faint light illuminated the rock barely more than the billions of other stars in the galaxy, dozens, if not hundreds of light years away. Another 8 jets of flame and the crew were already more than half destroyed. This story was originally scheduled to be released in November, however, it was pushed back to December due to Nicholas Briggs' "commitments elsewhere". The remaining missiles whirled and span in alternating arcs to where the enemy ship sat. Samantha and Liam are taken aboard the rescue ship, where Samantha has Liam sent to the sickbay so the neural inhibitor fluid can be removed from his body and analysed. She promises they can be upgraded together. He is then recaptured, and to his horror, the Cyber-Planner reveals that his escape was arranged. Lisa wasn't sure how, but Ianto and his friends had made her human again. It was chrome and seemed to shine, despite eternal darkness. Released in the US with the rest of Series 1 as a Complete First Season set on 16 September 2008. The answer was immediately given, when another blast hit them from behind. The process was extremely painful and took place in a booth where the subject's skull was sliced open by a robotic machine that used knives, lasers and syringes to remove the brain before encasing it in an empty cybernetic helmet. She begs Ianto to hold her. the Doctor screamed as one of the Cybermen injected Clara in the neck with the Cybermites that would soon convert her into one of them. Samantha insists that shell convince her people to let him live, but it may be a moot point, as the Cybermen have detected her distress call and are closing in, firing warning shots at the escape pod and demanding that they surrender. A pair of soldiers were partially converted while in combat with a Cyberman. (WC: Real Time, AUDIO: Real Time), Tobias Vaughn suffered partial cyber-conversion, retaining just his head and therefore his own thoughts. Jack gives Ianto an ultimatum. The missiles detonated harmlessly, tiny pinpricks of light against the star filled backdrop, as they quickly used up their oxygen. They screamed, as their brains burned in their cases, a horrifying sound from computer hell. With a wheezing of the photonic cells and spluttering of engines improvised from old cars, the Cybus ship slowly lifted from the surface of the planet, ready to engage this new enemy. It is a truth universally acknowledged that any narrative with multiple timelines will eventually include a crossover incident. The enemy continued sitting there, as the missiles got closer and closer. We may be flawed, we may have functions that dont seem necessary to machines like yourself, but we are abstract creatures. On this world, the Machine would use various Cyber-units to attack a life-forms mental avatar in order to establish a link to their home universe, allowing a dimension bridge to form, which the Cybermen could then use to travel to, and begin upgrading, the new universe. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry, dont mind me just getting emotional about cybermen again, the inherent horror of a human in a cyber case, And I'm gonna be fine (Maybe Not Tonight), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart/Petronella Osgood, Episode: The Power of the Doctor (Doctor Who), Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan & Graham O'Brien & Ryan Sinclair, Spoilers for Episode: s12e10 The Timeless Children, Background Yasmin Khan/Original Female Character, i'm searching for something that i can't reach, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, i dont know how to tag this actually. It was written by Chris Chibnall, directed by James Strong, and focused on Ianto Jones. Like other early Cybermen, Zheng retained his name, as Cybermen were regarded as still being individuals by their creators. You will shut down your ships engines and prepare to be boarded. The strategy was re-analysed, reassessed and put into action. (TV: Deep Breath, Dark Water, Death in Heaven), However, there were a minority of Cybermen capable of converting other species; the Cybermen of the Cyberiad who recovered from the Cyber-Wars were capable of upgrading "almost any living components", and were even capable of converting Time Lords. You must have been moving in your sleep because your legs are tangled in the duvet. Zheng was more resilient than other Cybermen, being able to survive being shot by another Cyberman on the orders of the first Cyber-Planner, (AUDIO: Spare Parts) and still functioned well after all Mondasians were converted. The Cyberman shot the scanner from Craig's hand, making him shout in pain and Olivia went to use her Sonic on another that approached him, but another Cyberman grabbed her from behind and held her arms behind her back. Nightmares by sonic_spoondriver Fandoms: Doctor Who General Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Other; Complete Work; 23 Jan 2023. It was also released in the Series 1-4 Blu-ray boxset. Conversion was the third release in the first series of Big Finish Productions' Cyberman audio series. On the bridge, the CyberLord could feel an emotion building, as the inhibitor in its chest failed to deal with the increased stimulus. However, they appeared unable to convert Autons or lifeforms with similar biologies, as one registered Josh Carter as human based on his speech alone, and another attempted to convert him (AUDIO: Code Silver) only to be hijacked by him and used as a means of transportation, and later as a weapon against other Cybermen. (AUDIO: Master of Worlds), Mechanising Worms were capable of inflicting basic upgrades by biting a target, making them somewhat similar to Cybermites, and large swarms could be released by deceased Cybermen to fully convert anyone nearby to replace the lost unit. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. A purer path. Everyones reality is perceived at least a wee bit differently. As brain matter could not literally be welded to the Cyberman exoskeleton, as previously explained in Rise of the Cybermen, Barnes reasons that the brain may in fact be fitted into bespoke steel cases, precision-tooled to fit differently sized human cerebra as the size of human brains vary person to person which in turn is welded to the Cyberman head. They continue to watch in silence. At present the information had no strategic value, but it may have future use. In this state, she retained her original personality but was loyal to the Cybermen and the "Cyber-Ideal" instead of UNIT, and became the second-in-command of the Cybermens invasion of the Earth of N-Space. Arming themselves, Gwen and Owen head for the holding cell where the power drain is occurring, believing themselves under attack. Once the transport ship launches, she emerges from her chamber and tracks down Liam Barnaby, but the fluid has left him unable to process what shes telling him. It wasnt like there was any way for me to escape at this stage of the game. With the battle computer unable to find any possible strategy to gain victory, the CyberLord intended to fight until it could no longer function. Ianto pleads that since he cleans up after Torchwood but is never asked about his life, they should help him restore Lisa, but Jack maintains that there is no cure. The CyberLord called out, receiving a stream of video and sensor data from the Cybusmen at the front of the crowd. This particular crossover will conclude the main story of the Two Can Play At That Game series, in which the Doctor, the Master, Jenny, and Harry find themselves (somewhat literally) at the center of an old enemys insidious plot. When she thought she couldn't take it anymore, her world got turned upside down for the worst. The other ship has changed vector. These upgrades were later undone when a remorseful Rassilon joined with the Twelfth Doctor to send regeneration energy backwards through the Eye of Harmony, undoing the timeline. (AUDIO: Telepresence, Code Silver) This form of conversion, appearing as metal implants, wires and connections on the victims face, could be reversed via means such as a corrosion virus. (TV: The Doctor Falls) Other Cybermen contained cyberfication machines within cyber-ships, and would use them to travel the universe to convert compatible beings. Written by Nicholas Briggs. Lisa wasn't sure how, but Ianto and his friends had made her human again. "How am I supposed to lead UNIT if Im broken?". With the battle computer highlighting the use of intimidation, the Cyberlord open radio channel to the (newly designated) enemy chip. One of these pieces of aborted worlds was drifting at the edge of the solar system. Was the sound of you thrashing around loud enough for the Doctor to hear through the endless corridors of the Tardis or had you been shouting too? Cyberman: Conversion. 20 seconds, 15, 10, 5. With a blur, the ship disappeared. The "New mayor, new Cardiff" newspaper article appears at Torchwood's front desk. Nothing at all. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry, dont mind me just getting emotional about cybermen again, the inherent horror of a human in a cyber case, And I'm gonna be fine (Maybe Not Tonight), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart/Petronella Osgood, Episode: The Power of the Doctor (Doctor Who), Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan & Graham O'Brien & Ryan Sinclair, Spoilers for Episode: s12e10 The Timeless Children, Background Yasmin Khan/Original Female Character, i'm searching for something that i can't reach, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, i dont know how to tag this actually. 12 Works in Cyber Conversion (Doctor Who) Navigation and Actions. Jack gives Ianto an ultimatum. (AUDIO: Legend of the Cybermen) Cyberfication machines were often also contained within Cyberman bases, such as the Cyber-Control on Telos. At one point, they attempted to convert a human baby; the result was a horrific fusion between a Cyberman and a Cybermat. Unfortunately, a Renegade Time Lord known as "the Master" brainwashed all of her classmates to become her puppets. These Cybermen were capable of self-destructing to release clouds of Cyber-pollen, that could rain down and upgrade both living and dead humans, no matter how long a human had been dead for. The Cyberiums analysis of the space-time continuum revealed an aberration: a rift, splitting one timeline into several, each with its own version of the Doctor and the Master. They silently marched through the narrow cooridors, arm lasers deployed and the handful of anti-polycarbide guns presented to those at the front. (AUDIO: Return to Telos) A gauntlet discovered by an archaeological team on Catrigan Nova possessed similar conversion capabilities. For her, going to school meant to be humiliated and harassed by people whom she once considered her friends. If they could overcome the crew, the enemy ship would be theirs. Sword of Orion Spare Parts Real Time The Harvest Silver Lining Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Crystal of Cantus The Reaping The Gathering The Blue Tooth Human Resources The Girl Who Never Was The Ultimate Adventure Kingdom of Silver Legend of the Cybermen The Silver Turk Last of the Cybermen Return to Telos The Isos Network The Tyrants of Logic Code Silver / Master of Worlds Hour of the Cybermen Conversion Return of the Cybermen The Gates of Hell Scourge of the Cybermen Altered Status Monsters in Metropolis Secrets of Telos Way of the Burryman / The Forth Generation Bad Day in Tinseltown, Iceberg Killing Ground Illegal Alien Made of Steel Plague of the Cybermen Dr. First, The Coming of the Cybermen Flower Power Cyber-Mole The Cyber Empire Eskimo Joe Masquerade The Time Museum Test Flight Junk-Yard Demon Throwback: The Soul of a Cyberman Deathworld Black Legacy Revelation! Prepare to Be Upgraded ( A Doctor Who fanfic of Cybermen) | Fandoms gone wild, head canons, fanfics, etc. Love, happiness, anger, fear? (AUDIO: The Reaping), The Mondasien Chang Twins joined the surface work crews, and were converted into Cybermen. You find yourself in a no win situation, what difference does it make which way you go? Tags. Our individuality is what unites us. Approaching from outside the solar system. Brett is overcome with grief, loss and despair -- exactly the emotions that Hunt now offers to remove from her Now: The refugees from the Isle of Wight have been injected with neural dampening fluid to keep them docile while theyre transported elsewhere for full conversion. In one, they were humans, hiding and limited; in the other, they were Time Lords, but wounded, secretive, and erratic. The Cyber-Unit is incomplete. (AUDIO: Master of Worlds), The first known Cybermen, if not the first, Zheng was converted as part of the Mondasian effort to steer their planet away from the destructive cherrybowl nebula, and back to Sol, with a propulsion system on the surface. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This happens when she speaks, as well. The ships computer was calculating the odds of engaging this enemy. Disorientated, the CyberLord received a report from the airlock. Lisa therefore declares the two incompatible and throws him aside, knocking him unconscious and sending the rest of the team into action. "He was right, the Doctor didnt save me this time." Released: December 2005. It requires assistance. The Cyberiad also began converting animals, the Cyber-Silurians utilising cyber-converted dinosaurs such as pterosaurs and triceratops. A deep metallic voiced boomed throughout the ship. Consulting the battle computer, the Cyberlord called for a retreat. Brett is hesitant at first, but Hunt reveals that he understands the root of her fear: she knows how badly she made the traitor Helliton suffer, and if shed backed down on Orius Beta VIII and lost the battle instead of torturing him to death for the information she needed, maybe the war would have ended then and maybe her parents would still be alive. They stepped through the door and gazed around the room, the four of them analysing the bridge and the remnants of the crew. Hallett would have died if her lover, Ianto Jones, had not retrofitted a cyber-conversion unit into life support for her. However the rest of the Torchwood team arrive just in time to hear that, and open fire on the girl, killing her and leaving Ianto to mourn over Lisa's body. because sometimes you just need a doccy who hug ya know? Now, Chiaki was going to face her demise, unable to do anything to save them. They encased humans in cybernetic shells by constructing the suit of armour around their body, as with Lisa Hallett. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Breaking Up or The Woes of Danny Atlas(Now You See Mefic). (TV: The Age of Steel), Yvonne Hartman, a Torchwood Institute administrator, was converted. You must have been moving in your sleep because your legs are tangled in the duvet. Shields were completely lost, engines were already non-functional and half the weapons systems were non-responsive. Starring Sarah Mowat Mark McDonnell. They were being boarded. because sometimes you just need a doccy who hug ya know? A panic-stricken Paul Hunt manages to break out of his processing unit and get to the communications centre, where he sends a desperate message to the White House begging President Levinson to cancel the project and delete . The great civilisation we could have been if wed taken another path. There's something strange going on in the house, and Lily wants to know what it is. Genesis! But that's the least of her worries, the ship has been trying to get back to Telos for years, its engines are failing, the crew is going missing and something lurks beneath. This is all the main Cyberman upgrade scenes from the . This particular crossover will conclude the main story of the Two Can Play At That Game series, in which the Doctor, the Master, Jenny, and Harry find themselves (somewhat literally) at the center of an old enemys insidious plot. The Cybermen of Pete's World, instead of replacing body parts, transplanted living brains into metal exoskeletons sustained in a cradle of chemicals and threaded together by an artificial nervous system. Will Torchwood Three fix things in time before the Cybermen, ripe from battle with their greatest enemy, the Doctor, convert the world? Before the conversion was complete, however, Bernice Summerfield used the energy in the Crystal of Cantus to defeat the cybermen, reversing the conversion. From behind the air lock, a series of a bangs and clanks could be detected. (LogOut/ As Lisa searches for them, Gwen and Owen kiss. Still firing, the reaming twelve Cybusmen tried to escape back to the bridge. Genesis! (AUDIO: The Crystal of Cantus), Webley was partially converted by cyber mites. After being captured by the Cybermen, Paul Hunt was partially converted on the orders of the Cyber-Planner. The master vault is located on the planet Telos, and if it is activated, then billions of Cybermen will awaken throughout the galaxy, spelling the end for humanity and androids alike. She reports to Riordan, but is forced to admit that shes really keeping Liam alive not just for his usefulness, but because she thinks his viewpoint about androids is beginning to change. "No!" Craig shouted as they pulled him toward a machine. So far, it had not reacted to the other ship; it would appear not to have noticed the Cybusmen. Gwen and Owen are momentarily trapped by Lisa in the autopsy lab, and hide in a locker. Samantha is appalled, and Riordan agrees to hold off on this final solution, at least until theyve captured a Cyberman, analysed its programming, and found out exactly what the Cybermen are up to. Riordan isnt so sure, and he admits that, faced with this new threat, the android war council is considering the extermination of the human race in order to deprive the Cybermen of the organic materials they need to make more of their kind. What do you know how to do other than kill? Change). Lily doesn't believe them. (COMIC: Assimilation) Following the Fall of the Cyber-Empire, the Cyber-Empire had the technology to upgrade Time Lords. As it attacks Lisa, the rest of the team, along with the recovered and protesting Ianto, escape through the invisible lift. If Brett agrees to their terms, they can begin converting the traitors and political dissidents currently held in the Isle of Wight penal colony into crack cybernetic troops capable of wiping out the androids in Orion. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This was truly her worst day ever. It crumpled like paper with just a few blows. The missiles would take at least thirty seconds to cover the distance but the CyberLord predicted the enemy would be unable to shoot them down or engage its engines fast enough to escape the missiles blast. No planets not even any stars. The Cybermen also had an emotional inhibitor placed within them to suppress their humanity because, as the Tenth Doctor put it: It's still got a human brain; imagine its reaction if it could see itself. The new ship was smaller than theirs, but was much more sophisticated. He will try to delay Lisa's advance. They were breaking the door with their bare fists. Gwen asks Jack if he would have shot her if she had stood by Ianto. Cyberwoman was the fourth episode in the first series of Torchwood. Available November 2005. He rigged the equipment in secret to keep her alive, hiding her in the Hub's basement in hopes of curing her. The most optimum strategy was to wait and observe the newcomer and see how it reacted. (TV: Closing Time) Partial conversion, with the victim retaining autonomy and a human identity and body parts, was possible. Jack and Gwen watch him cleaning up and they discuss how Ianto couldn't bear to live without Lisa. At the entrance to Torchwood, Jack and the rest of the Torchwood group catch up to Ianto who pulls a gun on them and threatens to shoot them if they try to stop him. As the rest of Torchwood deal with the Arcan leisure crawler that has entered their atmosphere, there is a brief power flicker; Ianto covers it up by claiming that the generators have been acting up all day and offers to look into it. So many unknowns left it useless. Unfortunately, a Renegade Time Lord known as "the Master" brainwashed all of her classmates to become her puppets. The conversion was later reversed. Gwen is terrified and yells for help. A fist clanged against the bridge door; the intruders had arrived. (TV: The Tenth Planet et al), Most factions of Cybermen were only capable of converting humans and Mondasians, due to their near-identical physiologies (TV: The Tenth Planet et al), although the Cybermen that attempted to invade Earth via International Electromatics were converted from Isons (AUDIO: The Isos Network), and another group could convert Veridians (AUDIO: Hour of the Cybermen). The primary system shut down, and for a second whilst the back ups rebooted, the Cybusmen were each alone. Artie Maitland and Angie Maitland suffered partial conversion by Cybermites, who intended to take advantage of their imagination. In fact, I was inside my head. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen) The Cybermen relied on tubing and external systems to keep the body operating, but over time the amount needed decreased. A short 3d animation created in Daz Studio featuring an audio edit from the excellent Big Finish audio production Cyberman Conversion. I do not like the Cybusmen, really really do not like them. The lifeform using the dimension bridge technology would undergo a form of cyber-conversion referred to as virtual conversion, where the carrier wave broadcast by the VR headsets would transmit mind control and basic upgrades to the receiver, with full conversion occurring later. (TV: The Next Doctor), A Cyberman's exo-skeleton in 102 at Stonehenge displayed the ability to upgrade humans without any external machinery, merely needing to restrain the victim while the Cyberman's faceplate split open at the middle and enveloped the victim's head. He retained most of his body and, based on speech, some emotions as well. (TV: The Pandorica Opens). (COMIC: The World Shapers) In the far future, one race of Cybermen found themselves facing extinction due to their inability to convert humans after they had spread across the universe and bred with numerous other species; the conversion protocols were keyed to human and Mondasian genetic tissue, although the Eighth Doctor offered to regenerate so they could decipher the Time Lord biomorphic code, and to provide them with his own cellular resequencing template to re-engineer non-human lifeforms into Mondasians, who could then be converted. A second burst and next 4 had ceased to function. Gwen points her gun, and tries to reason with Lisa, who knocks the gun out of her hand and pushes her over. Fear is Humanity's greatest enemy. A fanfic I wrote about two years ago. Jack demands that Ianto tell them everything. As it applied the strength of ten men to the CyberLord's transparent brain case, it spoke: With this, the CyberLords brain case shattered, the organic contents instantly crushed between the CyberLeaders augmented fingers. Gwen lands on her back on the conversion unit. The androids encounter heavy resistance from the Cybermen, and Liam advises Samantha to call her troops back; she decides to trust him, and once the androids are clear, Liam inverts the ships force-field, electrifying the forward section of the ship and stunning the Cybermen. She initially experienced frequent mental pain that nearly killed her due to the sheer amount of information that she received from the Cyber-Mainframe, (AUDIO: Code Silver) but was cured of this after she "received a brainstorm from Cyber-Control across every dimension" in response to the arrival of theWar Master. Using a chess game to buy himself time, the Doctor eventually managed to destroy his cyber-implants by using his sonic screwdriver to magnify a hand pulse, freeing his mind. It was becoming increasingly difficult to issue order, with the emotional confusion of seeing its crew easily decimated. Eventually the victim would wake up as these upgrades were installed, eventually leading to full virtual conversion and the formation of a dimension bridge. The bright corridors and plasma screened viewing monitors suggested a worship of cutting edge technology. A purer path. The CyberLord was instantly given the new strategy: to leave the asteroid and attempt to directly attack the enemy vessel. The other ship was moving fast, it would be entering active scanning range in seconds. A series of electronic noises began to fill the air an override signal, breaking through their fire walls and safeguards. Realise itself inside this thing. Enough of her individuality survived for her to recognise her Father and her pet Cybernetic bird. After he leaves, Lisa's Cyberman influence takes over. On Mondas, these were also known as processing lines (AUDIO: Spare Parts). All at once an alarm began to wail. Its electronic voice was sinister and inhuman; this was something created for its practicality, not its consumer appeal. The crew would not have appreciated the irony. This appeared to be an extension of the dimension bridge technologys mind control capabilities, as Osgood was granted full access to the Cyber-Mainframe despite not being fully converted. Tiny particles, dust storms and asteroids; the embryos of future stars and planets drift purposelessly in the void. Crying, Ianto hugs her, then pushes her away and holds her at gunpoint. Lisa tries to explain she did this for Ianto. Now, Chiaki was going to face her demise, unable to do anything to save them. Suddenly, the other ship change direction, instantly darting like a silver fish caught on a line. (PROSE: Illegal Alien) One group of Cybermen encountered by the Fourth Doctor on Telos possessed Cyber-particles within their hands, allowing them to convert humans merely by touching them. From the helm, a crew member reported that active scans had reached the other ship, but no additional data had been received. But as debris from the transport ship begins hitting the sickbay window, Liam unexpectedly bursts out laughing; against all the odds, a Cybermans decapitated head has drifted across space and struck the android ship. (TV: Nightmare in Silver) In an alternate timeline created by their allying with Rassilon, the Cyberiad advanced to become capable of upgrading all life, including Time Lords, (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen, Prologue: The Second Doctor, Prologue: The Third Doctor) K9, (COMIC: Prologue: The Fourth Doctor) and Silurians who were converted into Cyber-Silurians. Tosh does this, which unfortunately also means entering total lock-down. Several Cyber-subspecies, such as those of Pete's World, the Cyber-Mainframe and the Cyberiad, referred to this as upgrading. Once beyond Jupiters orbital path, the ship jumps through hyperspace, but it doesnt end up where the Cybermen were expecting it to Hunt has written a speech for Brett, and although she vaguely senses that theres something wrong about it, he now has the means to eliminate the confusion from her mind. (TV: World Enough and Time) The later Cybermen transformed entire apartment blocks into Cyber-Factories before rounding up the humans of the city for mass conversion, with theSaxonMaster referring to these particular factories as the Cyber Foundries. Let her go and I won't fight you. Still dazed, he vaguely recalls that hes supposed to hate her for being an android, but he cant deny that he finds her physically attractive. The rest of the crew were ordered to the main airlock. It wondered where the enemy had gone. Since contact has been lost with the transport ship, the Cyber-Planner is unable to determine whether the androids have the information they require; it thus decides to assume that they have, which means the Cybermen must move their master plan forward. For now, the majority of the crew were suspended, to prolong their life spans and ensure peak efficiency when they returned to Earth.