
Enroll Request

Course Description

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace.


  • Introduction to Python Programming 
    • Why do we need Python?
    • Program structure in Python
  • Execution steps 
    • Interactive Shell
    • Executable or script files.
    • User Interface or IDE
  • Memory management and Garbage collections 
    • Object creation and deletion
    • Object properties
  • Data Types and Operations 
    • Numbers
    • Strings
    • List
    • Tuple
    • Dictionary
    • Other Core Types
  • Statements and Syntax in Python 
    • Assignments, Expressions and prints
    • If tests and Syntax Rules
    • While and For Loops
    • Iterations and Comprehensions
  • File Operations 
    • Opening a file
    • Using Files
    • Other File tools
  • Functions in Python
    • Function definition and call
    • Function Scope
    • Arguments
    • Function Objects
    • Anonymous Functions
  • Modules and Packages
    • Module Creations and Usage
    • Module Search Path
    • Module Vs. Script
    • Package Creation and Importing
  • Classes in Python 
    • Classes and instances
    • Classes method calls
    • Inheritance and Compositions
    • Static and Class Methods
    • Bound and Unbound Methods
    • Operator Overloading
    • Polymorphism
  • Exception Handling in Python Programming
    • Default Exception Handler
    • Catching Exceptions
    • Raise an exception
    • User defined exception
  • Advanced Python Concepts 
    • Decorators
    • Generators
    • Iterators
    • Co-routines